
Sound Art in Public Spaces at Wilde Westen – videos

During the corona pandemic, more and more people discovered the beauty of their neighbourhood, nearby park or nature reserve. The public space got a face and the awareness of sparingly dealing with nature and the environment was strongly stimulated. Artists also became amazed by all the beautiful things that could be found in the nearby public space. Animals, birds, plants and even insects became faithful companions during the solitary lockdown periods. Portuguese curator Raquel Castro has curated a special exhibition with European sound installation artists. Under the title Sound Art in Public Spaces, they shed current light on our rapidly changing view of public space and our environment. The Sounds Now project presents these sound installations, created on-site in five different European cities.

Liquid Aesthesia #1

Henrique Fernandes and Gustavo Costa, members of the art collective Sonoscopia, talk about their sound art installation Liquid Aesthesia. This is part of a ‘water’-series and is also visually attractive.


French sound artist Felix Blume recorded 150 bees to create this installation called ‘Swarm’. In this video, he talks about how he did it and the idea behind the installation.

The Monads

The Monads is a work by Gabey Tjon a Tham. Her assistant David explains the idea behind the installation.

Burned Cork — Resilience

Sound Artist Gil Delindro talks about his work ‘Burned Cork – Resilience’ which is part of a series about forest fires.

Sound Artist Gil Delindro talks about his work ‘Burned Cork – Resilience’ which is part of a series about forest fires.

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