12.01 — 13.01.2024

Curating Lab 2024

Wilde Westen (BE)

Wilde Westen organises an annual Curating Lab in January, where young creators and curators engage with speakers and programmers around the theme of diversity and inclusion within music programming.

Over 2 days, in panel discussions, workshops and lectures, the topics of inclusion and diversity in the music sector were explored from the perspective of people actively working on it every day in their own artistic practice. Difficult subjects were not avoided and the participants were invited to step far outside their artistic comfort zone!


Friday, January 12
10 am – 1 pm: Heloisa Amaral, artistic director of Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival

2 pm – 5 pm: Luc Vandierendonck, director of Wit.h vzw, and a musician from Wild Classical Music Ensemble

Saturday, January 12

10 am – 1 pm: Kyoko Scholiers: theatre maker

1 pm – 3 pm: Mijke Harmsen & Amin Srasra: artistic team Schouwburg Kortrijk

3 pm – 6 pm: Workshop Robbe Kieckens: cultural appropriation in Western and non-Western music

More info on the Wilde Westen website

Interested in Curating Labs? Check out past Labs in the Sounds Now project: Musica’s Open Labo Curatorship or Onassis Stegi’s Curating Lab with MC Yinka