From Issue 47 of ONCURATING:
In this article, I outline a concept of data-informed curation, proposing how curators and institutions can use audience data to help them understand how audiences approach new music and to develop more open, inclusive atmospheres around attendance. I report an overview of findings on tastes, demographic factors, and concert experiences from a recent new music audience study, conducted as part of my doctoral research at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg. The study is the first of its size specifically on the audience experience of new music. 1,428 audience members took part in the survey across ten different European countries. The overall aim of the study was to offer a multidimensional view of audiences’ experiences, covering a range of aspects including demographics and motivations to attend new music concerts, perceptions of the genre, and audiences’ aesthetic experiences in the concert hall, as well as institution-audience relationships and classical music audiences’ views of CCM .
Read the full article here.