July 6-11, 2021, Finland

Rebellion for Sale is a laboratory for interdisciplinary artistic interplay/cooperation that focuses on practical experimentation and collaborative reflection with participants from the fields of composition, instrumental/vocal/body performance and improvisation. It is an invitation to develop compositional ideas in an artistic dialogue by contributing and expanding the own skills as well as trying out different ways of working together. Joint critical reflection and the creation of interdisciplinary works are at the heart of the lab and culminate in a showing.
We will deal with the topic of “neglected rebellions”, i.e. rebellious acts left undone and commemorating rebellions that are absent in the world we are living in as well as on a very personal level. We deal with unfulfilled wishes and dreams, unaccomplished missions and hopes, virulent traumas, obsessions etc. which are turned into music theatrical presences – nostalgic, rebellious, aggressive, sad, sublime …
We generate artistic, compositional, performative materials and activities that stand in the wide context of contemporary music theatre (without limitations to forms, genres, performance or reception modes, medias, technologies etc.) and try-out your ideas in a reflective environment with all participants.
Course Fee
Course fee for active participants is 250 €. The fee includes participation in the course, open lessons and workshops, and free entrance to all of the festival concerts.
We also offer a chance to take part in Rebellion for Sale and Contemporary Chamber Music courses as a passive student. With a fee of 100 €, you can participate to the courses as a listener, excluding private lessons. The passive participant fee does not include free entrance to the festival concerts.
Profile of course participants:
• Age limit: Born after January 1st, 1986
• Course languages: English, (German)
Documents to be submitted with the Registration form (all documents can be submitted or filled out online):
- Short bio/CV
- 2–3 links to your recent artistic work (website/videos/audio/scores) and
- Short motivation letter explaining why you are interested in the subject of this course
All text/image documents must be handed in as PDF. No audio/video files, please: use a streaming link instead.
Registration form: Registration for Time of Music Summer Academy 2021.
Brigitta Muntendorf
The German-Austrian composer Brigitta Muntendorf creates music that exists at the intersection of various art forms and modes of expression, a web of multi-layered references and connections. She established the concept of social composing, believes in media sensuality and collaborative forms of production such as the community of practice. To this end, she creates different spaces for experimental forms, both as a composer and as the longstanding artistic director of Ensemble Garage, which she founded in 2009, as curator of the FMN Festival, or in her publications on composing at and with digital interfaces.
She has received grants from the Cité Internationale des Arts Paris and Villa Kamogawa Kyoto, the young-talented Ernst von Siemens Composers Prize and the German Music Authors’ Prize by GEMA. Her works are played by numerous ensembles like Ensemble Modern, Klangforum Wien, Mocrep Chicago, Musikfabrik and Les Siècles at festivals worldwide such as Festival d’Automne Paris, Ruhrtriennale, Theater der Welt, Donaueschinger Musiktage, Warsaw Autumn, Münchener Biennale, Musica Strasbourg, ULTIMA Oslo, ONASSIS Athen, Metro Club Kyoto, Art Share L.A. and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg.
Most recently, her audiovisual installation COVERED CULTURE in collaboration with Moritz Lobeck, featuring over 60 singers and performers, was presented in contemporary art museums and galleries and festivals in Japan, China and Korea and after four years of creation, ARCHIPEL in collaboration with Sou Fujimoto, Stephanie Thiersch, Norwegian Soloists’, Ensemble Garage and Asasello Quartet was premiered at Theater der Welt. Currently she is working on a new trans-digital music theater for Ensemble Modern/Bregenz Festival. After the social media opera iScreen, YouScream! and Songs of Rebellion, Memorial of Rebellion is the third joint artistic production with Michael Höppner.
Since 2017 Brigitta Muntendorf has been Professor of Composition at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln.
Michael Höppner
Michael Höppner was born in Berlin, where he studied theater, literature and musicology at the Freie Universität. He was Dramaturgical Assistant at the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz (2003-2005) to Frank Castorf, Christoph Marthaler and Martin Wuttke and Assistant Director to Christoph Schlingensief, Andrea Breth, Sebastian Hartmann, Jan Bosse, Stephan Kimmig, Roland Schimmelpfennig, Alvis Hermanis and Luc Bondy (among others) at the Burgtheater Wien (2007-2010). He commenced working as a theatrical director in his own right in 2006.
From 2011 he studied opera direction at the Hochschule for Music “Hanns Eisler”. He completed his Master’s Degree in 2014 and since then has been working as a freelance director whilst tutoring at the Technical University of Berlin. He has been one of the artistic directors of the independent music theater ensemble Opera Lab Berlin which he co-founded in 2013. Höppner’s works were produced and shown in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Vienna, Leipzig, Bayreuth, Trier. His pieces were presented at festivals like ECLAT Stuttgart, SPOR Arhus, Vienna Days for Music Theater, ULTIMA Oslo and others.
Höppner’s work is dedicated to contemporary music theater as well as to experimental scenic approaches to traditional opera. Since a couple of years Höppner works together with Brigitta Muntendorf. From summer 2021 on he will be dramaturge and deputy opera director as well as stage director at the German National Theater of Weimar where he is going to develop and curate a festival for contemporary music theater.
One thought on “Rebellion for Sale – Performing arts lab with Brigitta Muntendorf and Michael Höppner at Time of Music festival”
It is no coincidence that the production process is being conducted very openly. This Songspiel will be a joint effort, created collaboratively in a four-week rehearsal period from all the materials that have been brought together. In this case the participants will include members from Brigitta Muntendorf s Ensemble Garage from Cologne, Michael Höppner s Opera Lab Berlin and the Decoder Ensemble, with whom the composer has worked for a long time.