July 11 – September 6, 2022
OneBeat is accepting applications for OneBeat Virtual 2022, an online residency programme which will digitally convene approximately 35 musicians from up to 50 eligible countries and territories.
Eligible Countries and Territories – Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Bolivia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Philippines, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United States, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zimbabwe
This fully virtual residency programme will take place from July 11 – September 6, 2022. During this 8-week period, OneBeat Fellows will investigate new forms of virtual collaboration, and work together to write, produce, and perform new musical works. The fellowship involves 28 working days over 8 weeks to allow for both online connection and asynchronous offline project development time. Selected Fellows will attend virtual masterclasses and open-studios, participate in online workshops, and produce a final concert streamed to a global audience.
OneBeat Virtual offers a unique opportunity for Fellows to incubate ideas for new forms of virtual collaboration engaging communities around the world, supported by mentorship and collaborative exchange. Past participants have developed projects that foster diversity and inclusion, develop new technologies, broaden access to education, encourage economic empowerment, engage with issues like climate change, and build community resilience.
Musicians, sound artists, and sonic explorers, ages 19-35, from eligible countries and territories are invited to apply. Fellows will receive a $1,500 USD honorarium and a modest per diem for their online participation. OneBeat Virtual is an initiative of the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in collaboration with the groundbreaking New York-based music organization Bang on a Can’s Found Sound Nation.
DEADLINE Applications are due by February 11, 2022 11:59 PM EST.
NOTIFICATION Applicants will be notified of the review panel decision by the end of May, 2022.
PROGRAM OneBeat 2022 will take place July 11, 2022 – September 6, 2022.
CONTACT If you have questions please contact apply@1beat.org
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