04.07 — 11.07.2022

Time of Music 2022 – 40th anniversary!

Time of Music (FI)

Philip Venables
1/4 © Monica De Alwis
2/4 © Brian Slater
Du YUn

Major international works on the diversity of life at Time of Music’s 40th anniversary

The diversity of nature, humanity, and history unfolds in the festival’s programme this year. ”Compared to last year’s emphasis on smaller scale works, this year we will hear larger compositions performed by international ensembles”, reveals artistic director Johan Tallgren. Building on the theme Mundi Novi New Worlds, the largest programme in the festival’s history gives room to voices that have often been neglected.

Among the Sounds Now productions at Time of Music are the world premiere of Philip Venables’ Answer Machine Tape, 1987 , which tells queer history of the late visual artist David Wojnarowicz. Using Wojnarowicz’s actual answer machine tape’s contents as foundation and extending his instrument with motion sensors, Zubin Kanga’s piano creates unique visual elements to support the music. Led by composer and gambist Eva Reiter, contemporary music ensemble Ictus’ performance Eupepsia Dyspepsia combines a seminar lecture with a musical act, as it takes a critical look on the history of colonialism. Vocal ensemble Neue Vocalsolisten interprets pieces composed by different Beirut-based composers in a musical sequence titled Voice Affairs.

Claudia Molitor‘s installation Listen To My World will also be presented at Time of Music, its fourth stop on the Sounds Now European circuit. And of course, the second edition of the Curating Diversity course will take place July 5-10 with Toks Dada, Du Yun, Julia Gerlach and Vigdis Jakobsdottir.

Festival website

Mundi Novi Time of Music 2022