18.06 — 18.07.2021

The bEAST released!

Musica, Impulse Centre (BE)

TThe bEAST is a gigantic DIY instrument
1/3 Musica director Esther Ursem and composer Saskia Venegas Aernouts with The bEAST
Walden Festival
2/3 Walden Festival
Esther Ursem
3/3 Musica director Esther Ursem playing The bEAST with a young visitor

The bEAST’ is a mobile installation – a gigantic DIY instrument – that visitors to Leopold Park discovered and were invited to experiment with in June 2021 as an “open space” production. Played with all kinds of materials, drums and bows, The bEAST created exciting soundscapes that were recorded and then used by Spanish-Belgian composer Saskia Venegas Aernouts as a basis for a new piece. The beautiful, dreamlike result was performed one month later at Walden Festival by Bert Van Laethem (violin) and Maarten Lingier (piano). 

Watch it here