Onassis Stegi
Yellow Vests, “Fridays for Future”… Europe is in turmoil. Angry bourgeoisie as pop culture? The beginning of the end? The beginning of a real change?
For “Songs of Rebellion”, the composer Brigitta Muntendorf and the director Michael Höppner create a “Community of Practice” consisting of various ensembles and artists, expose themselves to the individual and collective power of the song and stage its ambivalent relationship to diverse forms of uprising. The contradictory, resisting and affirmative, transitory or even lost existence of the protest song as a stimulant, cult, myth, gesture of uproar or party music makes this special song type appear as immortal as it is infinitely vulnerable.
“Songs of Rebellion” unfolds an experiential space of musical, theatrical and medial links of resistance and dedication, in which escapism and agitation, art and politics, contemporary music and pop, contemplation and action can always be a fanfare as well as a lullaby of rebellion.